Sunday, April 26, 2009

~Wife of Bath 2~

The Pardoner is almost, should i say, persuaded into not marrying his soon to be fiance because of what the Wife of Bath says. To me it's almost like she is saying that marriage is a sentence, and each person must keep up their parts. The wife must rule, in her eyes, and the husband must use his "instrument" well. Which is exactly the opposite of what was real in that time. The wife of Bath is playing the normal man's role. Maybe it is a mockery of the way that women were dominated?
She says that the good husbands were old and rich, she made them work at night, sexually i assume. Although what is her duty? She says that she made them work at night so that would be a payment from them as well as they gave her their land and money. My favorite line she says is:
I governed hem so wel after my lawe

Here she shows her dominance of the men. Of all the husbands the wife of bath had, the last husband has left a mark on her. He reversed her normal role of her being in charge. He had the control, he was the only one to stand up to her, although violent, and got to her. She shows that he had the most impact on her because of the fact that she talks about him more than the other four husbands. She admits that she loved him, would that be because he had the power to reverse the role? This 5th husband was marred for love, but the others were because of money and superficial things. She admits it herself by saying that "the bren, as I best can, now moste I sell" she uses sex to get the men to leave everything to her. As said in class she is a "gold digger"!

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