Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oroonoko, or The Royal Slave

I am not really sure I feel about this story. So, first you have a black prince with European features (except for his skin color obviously) who is in love with this beautiful woman named Imoinda. But, Oroonoko's (black prince) grandfather also wants Imoinda. Now let me stop for a second because if I read it right, the King only wanted Imoinda because she was the most beautfiul girl in his kingdom, he didn't have any feelings for her nor did he even know she existed until he found out that Oroonoko liked this woman. What kind of grandfather does that to his child? Actually, it's kind of sick because they are both lusting after the same woman yet there age difference is significant. Anyway...Imoinda ends up getting sold into slavery and her and Oroonoko are seperated. Then a captain of an English ship invites Oroonoko onto his ship to eat and drink and talk, in which Oroonoko accepts. Now how foolish can you be? Why would you go on a ship with all these white men, when you are black and you know that black people are treated differently (back in these times). I mean I know he was a prince but seriously, you shouldn't trust anybody!! So then guess what happens?? The captain takes advantage of Oroonoko...go figure!! And he captures Oroonoko and his men and takes them as prisoners. So they sell Oroonoko as a slave to this guy names Trefry who ends up loving Oroonoko and renames him Caesar. He then finds that his long lost love, Imoinda now called Clemene, is on the same plantation. They find each other and end up having sex and Imoinda becomes pregnant. Oronooko doesn't want his child to be born into slavery so he kills Imoinda along with the unborn child. The fact that he kills his wife was really weird. I mean I understand the reasoning behind it but still, I wouldn't be able to kill my family like that. Then he tries to get revenge on the people who captured him and ends up getting caught and is killed in the most inhumane way. The details they described of how they killed him was unbelievable. This story was very interesting, but very odd. Overall I enjoyed it, but I don't think I would ever sit down and read "Oroonoko, or The Royal Slave" again.

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