Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sir Gawain and the Green knight

I just want to say that this poem is harder to read then Beowulf, if you haven't noticed. I've been reading it out loud in an Irish/ old English accent to make it more interesting. Surprisingly enough ,it has totally been working for me. Anyway, is Sir Gawain gay? There is one part on pg. 185 line 1110-1125 and i had to read it a few times. Either I'm not understanding this at all or it seems like he kissed the Lord of this castle and then went to bed with him. He went to bed with someone, either way. Is there anyone who has clarification on this, please let me know. i don't think he's gay because everyone is quite catholic but that still doesn't mean anything.
There are one or two things that i really like about this poem thus far. One is the plot. the fact that it's kinda mid-evil science fiction is pretty sweet. The green knight is crazy. he gets his head cut off and picks it up and rides off like it's nothing. There's not much more that one can say about that. I don't see a deeper meaning to the fact that Sir Gawain chopped this guys head off all in good fun being some kind of chivalrous knight that he is. i really felt the part when Sir Gawain was riding all alone in the woods and swamp land far away from home I was thinking I've felt like that before. i kinda thought about life ya know, there are times in life when you have to go out and do it on your own. there is no one there to help you and it's just you and God. your accountable to no man. to many days of that and one might go crazy. i like that when Sir Gawain prayed his prayer was answer immediately. i have more to write about truth but I have class and I don;t want to be late so this is all i have to say for right now. Oh one more thing Bonnie and I got a great hat for the Green Knight. I love his character and the way the author is super detailed with his writing. I almost feel like I'm actually there.

1 comment:

  1. It is very possible for people to be homosexual in these stories. It was not a widely talked about thing but it was kept a secret to many people, I believe anyway. I still think there was a little feelings going on with the Hrothgar tell's Beowulf that his deceased Aeschere is a "soul-mate to me" (1325)and he "kissed Beowulf and embraced his neck, then broke down in sudden tears"..."nevermore would they never meet each other face to face" and speaks of his affection... "he could not help being overcome: his fondness for the man was so deep-founded, it warmed his heart and wound the heartstrings tight in his breast" If this was in any book written today we would atomatically find him homosexual.
