Monday, January 26, 2009

No weapon that is Formed against us.

I have this theory about Beowulf. on 54pg. line #1020 there is a interesting statement made about the gifts that the Danes give Beowulf for slaying Grendel. They give him: a breast -mail, a helmet and a sword. in the bible in Galatians is talks about the full armor of God. three of the pieces of armor are: the breast plate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. So my theory is, that Beowulf is a parallel of the bible. I think that a missionary went to then Scandinavia where the greats and the Danes lived and made up this story to explain to the native people about Christ. like so many missionary's do they find out about the culture and then relate to them in their own culture and telling them a story about mystical creatures but also including the underlined biblical tone the author could relate to the people on their own terms that is why Beowulf has so many biblical references. The character Beowulf himself is almost like a Christ. He comes from a distant land where is is a noble of sorts to defend people that he doesn't even know from something that they themselves, in themselves, can't protect themselves from. Like, without Jesus we can't have eternal life because we in ourselves are not righteous enough to satisfy Gods wrath against the human race. Grendel is like Satan. Jesus comes and fights him not with weapons of this world because they don't work but with his own hands he defeats the demon. Jesus was pierced for our transgressions in his hands. This story is just getting better and better.


  1. All this God talk.

    Is fine... and I think it's plausible that the author is thinking Christianly -- but at the same time -- this is a non-Christian culture being written about here with difference systems of value.

  2. Yes Sir, again I believe it is up to the reader how it relates. I can see it through a Christians eyes and that of someone of different beliefs...everyone loves a hero. We all can get a different message
