"No man hath switch that in this world alive is. God woot this noble king, as to wit, The first night haddle many a merye fit with eech of hem, so wel was him on live. Blessed be God that i have wedded five, Of which I have piked the beste, Bothe of hir nether purs and of hir cheste. Diverse practkes in sondry werkes maken the werkman parfit silkerly: Of five housbondes scoleying am I." This story goes against all beliefs and traditions of the times. Woman did not have many rights and were not looked at as equals. In this story a woman justifies her marriage to five husbands through the use of bible parables and characters from the bible. She had mention king Solomon and the hundreds of wives in which he had. This story goes against the usual writings by Chauser because I was led to believe he did not like woman. This goes against all common description of what was acceptable of women. This is a woman that married for money and sex. Her first three husbands she married to get their money through the use of with holding certain wifely duties. This lady was not really a gold digger, a woman who made a valid point, why is it cool for men to play and not so for women. Her fith husband flipped the script on her because it was not about the money but the sex, and from this one she did not get love.
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