"No man may indeed become wise before he has had his share of winters in the worlds kingdom. The wise man must be patient, must never be too hot-hearted, nor to hasty of speech, nor too fearful, nor too glad, nor too greedy for wealth, nor ever too eager to boast before he has thought clearly. A man must wait, when he speaks in boast, until he knows clearly, sure minded, where his thoughts of his heart may turn" This I actually shared with my sons, I loved this because of its power and it simply teaches a lesson that a lot of our young men need. Whether when falling in love or in a young man journey to manhood this is certainly something to keep in mind, they effortlessly and poetically gave me something to think about and share with other males. " He is good who keeps his word; a man must never utter too quickly his breast's passion, unless he knows first how to achieve remedy, as a leader with his courage. It will be well with him who seeks favor, comfort from the father in heaven, where for us all stability resides" What better words of wisdom for a young man or a young father and of the importance of your word.
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