Monday, April 27, 2009

Delight in Disorder

"A sweet disorder in this dress" what would the disorder be? It has to be a physical characteristic being the dress causes it. Maybe he is saying that attractiveness is a disorder? The way he words the poem, it seems very sexual to me, like the lady wearing the dress is very atractive. The clothes have a "wantonness" Which seems to be loose fitted and excessively luxurious. I think the shoestring line is the most interesting line "a careless shoestring, in whose tie i see a wild civility" It's like he's speaking bad of the shoes not being tied, but then goes to say but that's a daring statement/action i like it. That's a flaw the shoe not being tied correctly, but then after that he says that things like this "bewitch" him more than "when art is too precise", Maybe he's saying flaws are a nice thing everyonce in a while?

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