"Would you grant me the grace," said Gawain to the king, to be gone from this bench and stand by you there, If I without the courtesy might quit this board, And if my liege lady disliked it not, I would come to your counsel before your court noble. For I find it not fit, as in faith it is known, When such a boon is begged before all these knights, Though you be tempted thereto, to take it on yourself While so bold men about upon benches sit, That no host under heaven is hardier of will, I am the weakest, well I know, and of wit feeblest; And the lost of my life would be least of any; That I have an uncle is my only praise; My body, but for blood, is barren of worth; And for that I have asked it, it ought to be mine, And if my claim be not comely let this court judge, in sight" Sir Gawain was a brave man, out of all the other knights sitting at the table when the Green
knight busted in their party, he was the only one the had the guts to stand up for his king after the Green knight pulled their punk card. In this statement Sir Gawain accepts the challenge with style, with class. The green pentagram dealt with the five senses, but I feel that the Green symbolizes jealousy in how it is used in the Green Knight. I enjoyed this story because of the hidden massage in which no body is perfect, we may have the best intentions, but we are only human as said in " This is the blazon of the blemish that I bear on my neck; This is the sign of sore loss that I have suffered there; For the cowardice and the coveting that I came there, This is a badge of false faith that I was found in there, And I must bear it on my body till I breathe my last" But even after he says this Sir Gawain and the others find a way to play it off and continue with life.....Hypocrites.

I don't think you know how to use the word "hypocrite," it doesn't apply here. Gawain dashes himself in that quote and says he'll bear the green sash to his shame - which he does. He'd have to act opposite his words to be labeled a hypocrite. [ex: telling others not to lie and telling your spouse that you didn't eat the brownies (when, of course, you can still taste their deliciousness stuck to the molding on your teeth)]