Was sober a real guy? if he was I feel bad for him. How come Jonson's picking on him? Idleness must have really erked him. He looks erked in this picture. That's way he had to pick on other people because he had nothing better to do. He was an Idler. I like how he says, "Many moralist have remarked, that Pride has of all human vices the widest dominion, appears in the greatest multiplicity of forms, and lies hid under the greatest variety of disguises; of disguises, which like the moon's veil of brightness, are both it's luster and it's shade, and betray it to others, though they hide it from ourselves." This just seems to be a really deep statement. i have no idea where to go with it except that maybe what he is saying is that the Idler is a coward. Or like the moon, a facade in place of the sun. The sun is doing all the work but to people who know no better, the moon still gets credit for lighting up the night sky. Johnson is saying that Sober is like the moon, he is reaping the benefit of those around him by pretending to be busy when he is really not. But the world still wouldn't be the same without the moon. it does have a purpose. What is the purpose of the idler?
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