" To make their kings; for kings are made for them. All empire is no more than power in trust, Which, when assumed, can be longer just. Succession, for general good designed, In its own wrong a nation cannot bind; If altering that the people can relieve, Better one suffer than a nation grieve. The Jews well know their power: ere Saul they chose, God was their king, and God they durst depose. Urge now your piety, your filial name, A father's right and fear of future fame; The public good, that universal call, To which even heaven submitted, answers all." This poem is about King Charles II being compared to king David in the bible. There was alot of injustice taken place during this time, you had religious fraud, taxation and political instability. Titus Oates starts a rumor that the King's life was in danger and that protestant were to be killed and London to be burned to start an uproar, because of this rumor many Jews were killed. Absolom, an illegitimate son of the King. What is amazing in a sense for me was how like mention in this statement above is that even then people in power had someone to clean things up. This was a way of protecting the king from the mistakes committed just like those in our past administrations. The public good was the main focus was their reasoning just like it is today.
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