Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Utopia book 1

"If you allow young folk to be abominably brought up in the characters corrupted, little by little, from childhood; and if then you punish them as grownups for committing a crime to which their early training has inclined them, what else is this, I ask, but first making them thieves and then punishing them for it" I really enjoyed book one, because I can see the use of these writings for some of our leaders to take notes. I see this happening in our society today with our youth, no one seems to care until one of these children rob someone you know or in your neck of the woods. Another saying I read which I believe would have made me a better leader "So I'd rather make an honest mistake than to say what I don't believe. In short, I'd rather be truthful than correct" which to me is a man willing to be corrected. I really like Moore and some of what he believes in even if the story is fiction. I really agree with his look at punishment for those who commit crimes, if you hang them no one gets s anything, but if you make them pay the family back, a form of restitution to wife and child while sentencing the thief to hard labor, away from others. "The criminals are treated so that they see the necessity of being honest, and for the rest of their lives they atone for the wrong they have done before" a chance for a new start. The last thing I want to talk about about was this line in Utopia and was hoping to get feedback from anyone who maybe was at a lost for words as I was. "The war corrupted their own citizens by encouraging lust for robbery and murder; and the laws fell into contempt because their king, distracted with the cares of two kingdoms, could not give neither one his proper attention" See ya tomorrow.

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