Katherine Phillips "A Married State"-
“No blustering husbands to create your fears; No pangs of childbirth to extort your tears; No children’s cries for to offend your ears”
Phillips has a very interesting point of view on things. She thinks that single women have it better than married women because you don't have to worry about pleasing your husband, going through child birth, and then having to keep up with your children once they are born. I think Phillips read my mind! I know I am young and I am sure my views will change as I age, but as of right now I have no desire what so ever to have children of my own. I totally agree with her. Children can be such a burden!! I mean sure they have their perks but my friend (who is young as well) has a child and it just seems to be so much work. You have to find a babysitter in order to anything, including going to work, you have to buy so much stuff for the baby, your sleep schedule is totally jacked up, I mean the list goes on and on. Not to mention the actual labor that is involved in having the kid!! The pain, stretch marks, weight gain, lactating, and again the list goes on and on. Like I said I am young and I am sure my views will change as I age, but right now I totally agree with Phillips. Phillips seems to think that marriage is a huge mistake and that she wants to persuade single women to never get married. I think I do that to my friends when they talk to me about marriage. I feel that I am always trying to persuade them NOT to get married. I do think marriage is a beautiful thing, however there is also an appropriate age. I don't think Phillips is addressing a particular age group though, I think she is saying that you should NEVER get married. But I have a question. Did they have premarital sex back then? If they didn't does that mean she was saying that women should be virgins forever? Hmm...I don't know. Well I looked up Katherine Phillips and I found that she got married at age 17. How Ironic!!
Friendship's mystery. To my dearest Lucasia
This poem was boring to me. I didn't really understand the point of it other than to show the friendship between Lucasia and Philips. Maybe I am missing something but to me it kind of seems like they are lovers. I don't know maybe I am missing the significance of the poem.
Ben Jonson, "To Penshurst"
What or who is Penshurt?? To me it sounds like penshurst is a house. He opens the poem by saying that it is not Penshurst, and then goes on to describe marble, polished pillars, and a roof of gold. Since Jonson says that "Thou are not Penshurst", maybe Penshurst is a spectacular place and the place he is at isn't spectacular. He then goes on to talk about I guess people going there to eat under a tree. I don't really know what Jonson is trying to say but by the end it seems he has a different attitude of the place. Perhaps he is trying to say that although the place isn't beautiful from the outside, it is beautiful on the inside. He makes it seem so peaceful by saying "When she was far ; and not a room, but drest, As if it had expected such a guest ! These, Penshurst, are thy praise, and yet not all. Thy lady's noble, fruitful, chaste withal." I am guessing that he is trying to get across to us that appearance doesn't matter, but it's on the inside that matters. Just like with relationships we always say that it shouldn't matter how somebody looks, as long as they have a good personality. I guess its the same concept. I don't know though, it's just a guess.
Ben Jonson, Inviting a Friend to Supper
"I'll tell you of more, and lie, so you will come:"
That line makes me sad. Poor Ben just wants to invite this guy to his house but is scared that he will not see him worthy enough to attend so Ben says that he will lie if it will get him to come. Jonson seems to be trying so hard to make his "poor house" worthy enough for his friend to come over. He describes the food he will have there alon with the wine and it really makes me sad. I mean there are so many people out there who would be ashamed to invite I don't know say the president to their house because they would think that the president would be judging them and would feel that he/she is too good to be at your house. This puts people in an awkard position. Jonson must feel so bad about himself if he is going through all this effort just to get this guy to come over. and why would you want a friend to come over that you have to go through all this effort for just so they will attend. A true friend shouldn't care how your house looks or what you are serving for dinner.
Robert Herrick: Dreams
This is the kind of poem I like! Short and sweet! And I get it! He is saying that during the day we are all here on earth living our lives like we always do, but at night we are all curled up and we go to a different place. A different world. It can be anything you want it to be. I like this poem!
Robert Herrick:To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
I had to read this poem in my last English class. I like this one as well because it shows that all good things come to an end.
"And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying."
He is saying that you should experience life because you don't know what is going to happen. In the poem he mentions go get married because you will not always have your youth. It is kind of a sad poem because it makes you start thinking about your life and what you have or haven't yet accomplished.
Robert Herrick:Upon the Nipple of Julia's Breast

I don't have much to say about this poem, but I thought this was a pretty good picture of what the poem was about :)
Robert Herrick: His Prayer to Ben Jonson
This is yet another sad poem. I am assuming Ben Jonson died because he is saying how he will get on his knee for him and give him candles and a new altar. He also referred to him as "Saint Ben". Apparantly Herrick must have looked up to him as not only a poet, but as a person.
Robert Herrick: Upon Julia's Clothes
Okay so this is weird! He wants her to take her clothes off? And when she does he loves it? I am confused about this one!
I used to think the same way about marriage. I was never going to get married because I had no reason to. And kids were like a distant fantasy. I've been engaged to the same guy 3 times and I gave the ring back twice because I wasn't ready (we're engaged again) This time we are getting married I'm ready.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't think that they had premarital sex back then because if they did people would have waited longer to get married. That's interesting that Kat got married when she was 17. she probably wanted to have sex. I think she wrote this poem to warn single ladies not to get married. It's kinda like she's saying it's better to stay a virgin forever then to get married because marriage isn't worth it. Isn't that what our grandmothers and mothers said? or did they say just have sex but don't get married because marriage isn't worth it?
but we do have to consider the quality of how women were treated back then too.