Hey look it's Sir Gawain beheading the Green Knight. Interestingly enough it was pure chivary to behead someone in this book. Contrary to Beowulf where he had to kill to protect the people. Sir Gawain is killing to protect his pride. Even though the Green Knight didn't die. it's still the same idea except in Beowulf the monsters were real to the people. I don't know if Sir Gawains people know if the Green Kinght is mythical or not but I'm assuming that they do know he not real because no ones' all green and huge in their village accept for the Green Knight and he's from out of town anyway. I'm trying to think of how truth fits into this story . apart form the fact that Sir Gawain's crest is a five piont star. I don;t get it yet. but when I do I'll let you know.
It gets a lot better