I guess it is all on how you look at it. The dragon had every right to defend his. Like we talked about in class people do not ever side with those who are different from the rest of us. I really enjoyed the second part of our reading assignment. It had all those characteristics of what I call a hero. Beowulf until the end was a fearless leader that would truly fight to the end for his people. As a Marine I have seen how our history of battles we have fought motivates those going into combat, This guy sounds a lot like a hero we had in the Corps by the name of Chesty Puller. This poem can definitely be used for more that just good reading. It sort of pissed me off when his loyal troops except for one ran in the face of danger. In the Marine Corps we have the 14 Leadership Traits, which some of them are Loyalty, dependability, unselfishness. Honor, Courage and Commitment are things we try to instill in young Marines, if I was still in the Marine Corps I would definitely have my Marines read this. I enjoyed the verbiage used to describe the battles...especially the path not for cowards....will wrap with you all again soon
Long Live Beowulf.....and the Mead Hall
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
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