I would like to explore the notion of Envy in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". The origins of "green with envy" are tied in with "old Irish" folklore. However, I find it rather coincidental that the reen knight is indeed envious. When he busts through the doors of Authu's court and round table, he asks who is in charge of the great Camelot. To me, I sense a very sincere jealousy in the words of the Green Knight. He is envious of the great knights of the round table and ultimately of King Aurthur. He challenges these men because he may have some resentment towrds their greatness. Maybe because of the fact that he is green, he feels unable to join the ranks of the knights of camelot. He may in fact feel that he is worthy, and good enough to be one of these knights, but he cannot ever become one because of his radiant green color. When I did some research on the origins of "green with envy", I was hoping to find these orgins rooted and seeded within Authurian literature. Unfortunately, this was not the case. However, I can see why the author chose the color green when describing the jealous knight. Green signifies sickness. He could be sick with envy. He wants something that he knows he cannot obtain. He wants to be a knight in Camelot, and his greed and sickness with envious thought, prevents him from being a good knight. Only good knights can sit aside King Aurthur at the round table.
Maybe not so much jealous...but to show the power of humbleness...no one is perfect